TITLE: The ethical imperative of intercultural reconciliation
BRIEF: We interculturalists rightly claim that we understand how communication works within and between cultural groups. But we often underestimate the ethical responsibility that goes along with that understanding. By supporting cultural distinctions among national, regional, or ethnic groups, we unintentionally contribute to intergroup violence – to the tendency of group insiders to destroy their frightening shadows, the outsiders.
This presentation will dispute the effectiveness of the two common “solutions” to intergroup violence: avoiding judgment or emphasizing commonality. Instead, groups must constantly be reconciling their differences with each other, and we interculturalists have an ethical responsibility to be facilitating that process.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Dr. Milton J. Bennett directs the Intercultural Development Research Institute, located in Milan, Italy and Oregon, USA. His recently revised book, Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication: Paradigms, Principles, & Practices is currently published in Chinese (Peking University Press) and is anticipated September, 2013 in English (Intercultural Press).
SPEAKER: Hanna Maria Helstelä
TITLE: ‘Global Leadership’: A challenge for Brazilian executives?
BRIEF: Economic globalization poses major challenges for executives worldwide. In a global business environment different leadership skills are needed, which goes beyond the requirements for leaders acting exclusively within a local domestic context. Intercultural competence plays an important role, but it doesn’t itself guarantee success in international and global business. In recent years, new concepts of 'Global Leadership' are emerging. What must be understood under 'Global Leadership' and in what sense it differs from existing traditional concepts of leadership is one of the guiding questions of this presentation. Based on studies of leadership in Brazil, we will examine how Brazilian executives are prepared to face global challenges. Brazil has been a country of immigration over the centuries and therefore is characterized by a greater cultural diversity than any other country in the world. Dealing with cultural differences is part of everyday life in Brazil. Do Brazilian leaders therefore have an advantage in terms of intercultural competence if compared with their colleagues from other countries? Taking the concept of ‘Global Leadership' as our standard of evaluation, what can we say about leadership practice in Brazil regarding these expanded requirements?
Main points of the presentation:
World economy globalization and the Brazilian situation
Leadership requirements in a global world
Peculiar features of 'Global Leadership'
Brazilian Executives in the light of intercultural competence and 'Global Leadership'
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Born in Finland Hanna Maria Helstelä grew up in Germany, where she graduated and has done her masters theses in administration sciences from the University of Constance. She worked for twenty years in the field of personal and organizational development at Daimler AG, ZF Friedrichshafen AG, ZF do Brazil and taught classes on leadership and change management in the Cooperative State University Baden-Württemberg, Germany. In Brazil since 2010, she founded in 2013 her own company “Hanna Helstelä, Training & Development”. Hanna works as a trainer, executive coach and speaker, focusing her professional activities on leadership development and intercultural cooperation. The foundation of her work is based on systemic thinking and consulting which she acquired in courses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Currently she is attending the program for intercultural specialists at the Intercultural Research and Development Academy (IDRAcademy) of Milton Bennett in Milan, Italy.
SPEAKER: Lucy Linhares
TITLE: "Cultural Dimensions" in the analysis of Brazilians' society of classes
BRIEF: This paper attempts to answer the question: Can the concept of "Cultural Dimensions" be useful in the analysis of behavioral differences between social classes in Brazil? The research will be applied to an equivalent number of individuals from different social classes, asking questions regarding their behavior and their justifications, and preferred communication patterns in their day to day. The objective is to understand if the concept, widely used in the analysis of behavioral differences between individuals from different national cultures can be useful in the analysis of differences within the Brazilian society.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Degree in Social Sciences at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and Master in Social Anthropology PPGAS (Graduate Program in Social Anthropology) at UFRJ, Lucy began his professional life working with indigenous lands documentation in the Indian Museum - RJ, and then with public land documentation in the Amazon, on which he wrote his theses. The experience generated from many years of exposure to indigenous cultures radically different from our own, prepared to join a rapidly growing field in the globalized world: Interculturalism. As an interculturalist, worked for five years in the American Field Service - AFS - in Brazil, and leaving the AFS, founded the ICA - International Cultural Assistance, which draws intercultural training programs and development of diversity for national and international organizations. For two decades has been an university teacher and is the author of numerous anthropological articles published in magazines and newspapers in Rio de Janeiro. Co-author of "Indigeneity and Territorialization" book.
SPEAKERS: Rafael Guanaes and Suzana Bandeira
TITLE: Two cultures and their values: Chinese in Brazil and Brazilians in China
BRIEF: The establishment of Chinese in Brazil dates back 200 years ago and now live in Brazil about 250 thousand Chinese. Over the past four years many Chinese companies are establishing themselves here. On the other hand, the presence of Brazilians (individuals and companies) in China is recent and restricted even though China is now the largest trading partner of Brazil. The presentation will show what, in a framework of intensification of contact between these two cultures, are the similarities and differences between the values that build the foundation of each of these nations.
ABOUT THE SPEAKERS: Rafael Guanaes is an architect (Mackenzie), postgraduate degree in History of Art Museums (MAC-USP), visiting professor specialist in Chinese Art and Culture (PUC and ESPM). Executive coach and business consultant and art / creativity / innovation and people development. Suzana Bandeira is a consultant, coach and business manager, architect (Mackenzie), Master of Business Administration (PUC-SP), dedicated to foreign trade, specializing in business with China (intercultural management and supply chain). Career undertaken in public (Bank of Brazil) and private companies.
SPEAKER: Sven Dinklage
TITLE: The impact of the level of trust in organizations - the case of Brazil
SUMMARY: Both in Brazil as in the entire world, both in society as in organizations, we live in an era of low confidence. The consequences are manifested in opaque relationships, bureaucracies, frauds, duplication and many missed opportunities. New research shows, however, that trust has a measurable effect, observable and relevant to organizations and leaders can practice it to optimize hence the performance of their organization. In the case of Brazil, the question is: What are the particularities of the Brazilian people in terms of trust, and how these features manifest themselves today in interpersonal relationships? This presentation will be an opportunity to reflect together about what can be done to reach higher levels of confidence in our country, and to develop key competencies to create successful international cooperation.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Born in Germany, Sven Dinklage lived in the U.S., England, Spain and France before taking up residence in Brazil in 1998. After completing his Bachelors in Business Administration at the University of Würzburg, Germany, in 1994, Sven was formed in 1997 with the "Master of European Management" at ESCP Europe, Paris, France. He worked for 10 years in the automotive industry in Brazil, where he accumulated experiences in the areas of strategic planning, marketing, sales and international projects. Today, based on the Ecosocial Coach Institute training, São Paulo, in 2012, he applies its expertise to assist international executives / Brazilian teams and in their professional development. Sven is certified facilitator of companies intercultural / international, including FranklinCovey Brazil, where he is responsible for the Practice of Trust in Brazil.
SPEAKER: Kristina Bodrozic-Brnic
TITLE: China beyond its economic success
BRIEF: When presenting China, usually we encounter several contradictions. To better understand them is important to keep in view its historical and sociocultural aspects. When we think of the Chinese economy, we must take into account their connections with tradition, politics, society and education. Various comparatives studies between the historical and sociocultural in China and South America will be present with the aim of expanding cultural understanding of China, which is extremely relevant for a better relation or to develop business with this country.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Kristina Bodrozic-Brnic holds a master degree in Modern Sinology and East Asian Art History from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Her focus lies on Mainland China's modern and contemporary culture. She moved to Sao Paulo in 2011 and works with intercultural communication related to the Chinese culture and language. She offers courses, consulting and trainings.
SPEAKER: Almiro dos Reis Neto
TITLE: National Culture and Organizational Culture: How national culture impacts the model of leadership and the company culture.
BRIEF: Cultural clashes can compromise the strategy and performance of organizations. Based on the dimensions of Hofstede's model, it is possible to prepare executives in general and expatriates in particular to work best in other cultures which are not their own. Thus, cultural differences can become learning opportunities and business growth.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Almiro dos Reis Neto is the President of Franquality Consultoria, an HR company, and also the President of ABRH-SP.(Brazilian Human Resouce Association – São Paulo). Is a specialist in competencies management areas, high executives coaching, and leadership development. Is graduated in Production Engineering by USP, and post graduated in Human Resources Management by Université d'Aix-en-Provence, in France. He was a McDonald’s and Hay Group Director. Is the author of “Consultoria de Campo” (Field Consulting) and co-author of “Manual de Gestão de Pessoas e Equipes” (People and Teams Management Handbook) (ABRH) and the “Desenvolvimento Acelerado de Talentos nas Organizações de Alta Performance” (Fast Talent Development in High Performance Organizations) e-book. He has also conducted seminars and courses at organizations such as Worldwide Training & Development Congress, CONARH, Brazilian Franchising Association, FEA-USP, FGV, Store Directors National Federation and ESARH – South American Human Resources Meeting. He was elected by Human Resources professionals finalist for the Top of Mind HR 2009 prize as one of five most important businessmen. -------------
SPEAKER: Claudia Piereck da Cunha
TITLE: A model for understanding cultural
differences through the theory of social styles
BRIEF: Many of the communication difficulties and
differences of perceptions and beliefs among people of different countries, and
also between individuals inhabiting different regions in Brazil, happens by the
difference in social profiles styles. The purpose of this lecture is to make a
practically parallel between the profiles of social styles and cultures of
different countries and states in Brazil in order to broaden the understanding
of the differences and the ability to interact with different cultures.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Claudia Piereck da Cunha is
Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy - MALD from Tufts / Harvard University in
the United States and graduated in International Relations from the University
of Brasilia. Executive coach and business for over 15 years providing
consulting and organizational development training for national and global companies
in various countries in Latin America, Europe and the United States. Acts
strongly on leadership development and multicultural teams. Was Resident and Vice
President at Citibank and Training Manager for South America at Johnson
Controls Automotive.